If you have neighbors nearby or your house is in-between sizes, you can customize your Party Squasher to ensure that your detection range is set accurately. A setting too low will under-report mobile devices in your home, and a setting too high will detect neighbors / by-passers and therefore over-count. To find this feature, follow these instructions.
To begin, you need to be at your location and be connected to the local Wi-Fi network.
- Locate and enter your Smartphone's Wi-Fi or MAC Address (a 12 digit number/letter combination). Find it in your phone's Settings. Please note that when you are connected on a Wi-Fi network with iOS, the MAC address that the device broadcast is the Private MAC address. to retrieve it, you need to go to Settings > WiFi > Select the (i) Icon on your selected Wi-Fi network and copy-paste the Wi-Fi Address which is below the Private Address option.
- Position your phone at the desired limit of your property (i.e. front door, backdoor, fence, porch, etc).
- Press 'Find Me' and your sensor will report your Smartphone's signal strength (related to distance). Repeat this process a few times until the reading stabilizes. Your power level will be displayed (for example 75), as well as the date/ time of the reading. Follow these same steps in a few places- for example, at the front and back of your home and/or garden area.
- Don't see a recent power level? Go to Settings Wi-Fi to wake up your Smartphone.
- Once you've taken several readings, try to choose a good average and use the slider bar to reset your Detection Range to that mean power level and select 'Update Range' to save your custom settings.
What do the power level numbers mean?
The numbers are displayed in decibels. A smaller decibel level (for example 50), represents a stronger signal, and a closer proximity to the black Party Squasher sensor. A higher decibel level (for example 85) represents a further distance from the sensor. Note that the power levels can vary from phone to phone, so taking a few readings is recommended to help find the best setting.
Should you need further help on this feature, please contact us at support@partysquasher.com. We have some additional tech tools to help you calibrate your location.